Sunday, March 2, 2014

New Sports Law Scholarship

Recently published scholarship includes:

Marisa G. Huber, Exposed?! The applicability of US maritime law to foreign sailors competing for foreign teams in the 34th America’s Cup San Francisco, 25 UNIVERSITY S.F. MARITIME LAW JOURNAL 209 (2012-13)

Robert H. Lattinville, and Bennett H. Speyer, The modern athletic director: rising expectations, risks and rewards, 12 VIRGINIA SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 232 (2013)

Mark W. Lenihan, Comment, Major League Soccer scores an own goal: a successful joint venture attains market power in an international sport, 62 DEPAUL LAW REVIEW 881 (2013)

Tiffany Lee, Note, Fan activities from P2P file sharing to fansubs and fan fiction: motivations, policy concerns, and recommendations, 14 TEXAS REVIEW OF ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS LAW 181 (2013)

Frank J. Marallo, Jr., Note, Permeating the good old boys club: why holding the commissioner of baseball to a fiduciary duty of loyalty is in the “best interests” of the game, 7 BROOKLYN JOURNAL CORPORATE FINANCE AND COMMERCIAL LAW 475 (2013)

Cassie Merkel, Comment, Misspent money: how inequities in athletic funding in New Jersey public schools may be the key to underperformance, 23 SETON HALL JOURNAL SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW 385 (2013)

Brian L. Porto, Can the NCAA enforcement process protect children from abuse in the wake of the Sandusky scandal?, 22 WIDENER LAW JOURNAL 555 (2013)

Kemper C. Powell, Note, Beyond Brady and Anthony: the contemporary role of antitrust law in the collective bargaining process, 14 TEXAS REVIEW OF ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS LAW 147 (2013)

J. Brad Reich, When “getting your bell rung” may lead to “ringing the bell”: potential compensation for NFL player concussion-related injuries, 12 VIRGINIA SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 198 (2013)

 Robert M. Sagerian, Note, A penalty flag for preemption: the NFL concussion litigation, tortious fraud, and the steel curtain defense of Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act, 35 THOMAS JEFFERSON LAW REVIEW 229 (2013)

Jeffrey Standen, Assumption of risk in NFL concussion litigation: the offhand empiricism of the courtroom, 8 FIU LAW REVIEW 71 (2012)

Patrick L. Stewart, Comment, International student athletes in the NCAA: professionals or exploited children?, 35 HOUSTON JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW 219 (2013)

Cyntrice Thomas et al., The treatment of non-team sports under Section One of the Sherman Act, 12 VIRGINIA SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 296 (2013)

Matthew L. Winkel, Note, The not-so-artful dodger: the McCourt-Selig battle and the powers of the Commissioner of Baseball, 31 CARDOZO ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 539 (2013)

Kyle R. Wood, Note, NCAA student-athlete health care: antitrust concerns regarding the insurance coverage certification requirement, 10 INDIANA HEALTH LAW REVIEW 561 (2013)

Joshua Winneker, Protecting the unprotected: creating an anti-retaliation policy for professional athletes that exercise their legal rights in participant vs. participant liability contact sports, 12 VIRGINIA SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL (2013)

Robert H. Wright, and Josephine M. Ellis, Assumption of the risk in boat racing: a study in maritime jurisprudence. 11 LOYOLA MARITIME LAW JOURNAL 271 (2013)

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